Lukman Ajadi

Lukman Ajadi

Information Systems Security Officer

NIHBC Building 31, Room 2C39
31 Center Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892
United States

Biographical Sketch

Lukman Ajadi has over 15 years of IT experience―thirteen as a seasoned Cybersecurity professional, dedicated to safeguarding organizations against dynamic digital threats. Currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity from University of Maryland Global Campus, he has built his career on fortifying digital infrastructures and ensuring data integrity, specializing in threat detection and incident response. Recognized for his proactive risk management expertise, Lukman has spent almost 8 years at NIH, leading cross-functional teams to develop and implement tailored cybersecurity strategies at eRA Commons, the National Cancer Institute, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. His hands-on experience in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and security architecture design has resulted in significant achievements, including a notable reduction in security incidents and successful responses to complex cyber threats.

Last Reviewed on
March 2024