The prevalence of temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMJD) is between 5% and 12%. Unusual for chronic pain conditions, the prevalence rates of TMJ disorders are higher among younger persons. TMJ disorders are at least twice as prevalent in women as men, and women using either supplemental estrogen or oral contraceptives are more likely to seek treatment for these conditions.
Table 1: Prevalence of TMJD and its signs and symptoms
Source | Pub. Year | Subpopulation | Measure | Results | Comments |
Johansson et al1 | 2002 | Total populations of two counties in Sweden | Pain from TMJ Joint sounds Difficulty opening jaw Bruxism Sensitive teeth Burning mouth Chewing difficulty |
Males / Females 6.7% / 12.4% 12.0% / 16.5% 8.2% / 11.2% 15.5% / 20.2% 30.0% / 38.9% 4.1% / 5.3% 27.2% / 24.8% |
Cross-sectional study (mail questionnaire, response rate 71%) (n=8,888) |
McFarlane TV2 | 2002 | Patients in a general medical practice, England | One month period prevalence of oro-facial pain Males Females All, 18-25 All, 26-35 All, 36-45 All, 46-55 All, 56-65 Overall |
20.8% 29.8% 30.0% 27.6% 26.5% 25.1% 21.7% 25.8% |
Cross-sectional study (n=2504) |
Pow EH et al3 | 2001 | Adult Chinese residents of Hong Kong | Jaw pain Difficulty opening Clicking Bruxism Poorly rested Severe Pain |
Males / Females 33.4% / 32.5% 7.5% / 8.9% 30.2% / 29.7% 25.1% / 24.0% 19.1% / 18.5% 9.3% / 5.8% |
Cross-sectional study (telephone survey, response rate 56%) (n=1,526) |
Spanish National Oral Health Survey4 | 2000 |
Age 35-44 Age 65-74 |
Specific TMJD Symptoms: Jaw clicks Pain Limited mobility Jaw clicks Pain Limited mobility |
17.6% 1.8% 1.8% 15.5% 2.5% 2.9% |
Retrospective population survey (n=2380) |
Goulet et al5 | 1995 | French-speakers age 18+, Province of Quebec | "Jaw pain in your jaw muscles or jaw joints, often or very often." 18-34 35-54 >55 All Ages |
Males / Females 3.5% / 8.7% 6.8% / 10.4% 3.3% / 9.7% 5% / 9% |
Retrospective population survey (n=897) |
National Health Interview Survey (Lipton et al)6 |
1993 | US civilians, age 18+ |
"During the past 6 months, pain in the jaw joint or in front of the ear"….more than once. Males Females All, 18-34 All, 35-54 All, 55-74 All, 75+ |
3.5% 6.9% 6.5% 5.0% 4.0% 3.9% |
Retrospective population survey (n=42,370) |
Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)7 | 2007 | Men and women ages 45-79 with a history of knee pain. | "Jaw joint or in front of ear, pain or aching, past 30 days" Jaw joint or in front of ear, how many days had pain or aching, past 30 days" |
Males / Females 3.8% / 10.9% 8.5 / 9.1% |
Longitudinal, prospective observational study (n=4579) |
1 Johansson A, et al: Gender difference in symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders in a population of 50-year-old subjects. J OROFAC PAIN 2003; 17:29-35.
2 Macfarlane TV, Blinkhorn AS, Davies RM, Kincey J, Worthington HV. Oro-facial pain in the community: prevalence and associated impact. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2002; 30: 52–60
3 Pow EH et al : Prevalence of symptoms associated with temporomandibular disorders in Hong Kong Chinese. J Orofac Pain 2002; 15(3):228-34.
4 Llodra-Calvo JC et al. Encuesta en Salud Oral En Espana. RCOE 2002, 7:19-63
5 Goulet et al: Jaw pain prevalence among French-speaking Canadians in Quebec and related symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. J Dent Res; 1995. 74(11):1738-44.
6 Ibid reference 1.
7 Unpublished data derived by author from Osteoarthritis Initiative data files available from